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South Carolina Secretary of State Angel Award recognizing charities devoting the most funding toward direct action programming & the least towards administrative costs.

Winner: Governor Dick Riley's "WhatWorksSC" 2016, for programs making the most impact in students' lives.

Orangeburg Consolidated School District 5 Making a Difference Award

Winner: 2011 David Robinson Catalyst Award by Central Carolina Community Foundation

Healing Species' outstanding statistics published in 2 Peer Reviewed Journals:
"Sprinkle, J. Animals, Empathy, and Violence: Can Animals Convey Principles of Prosocial Behavior to Children.
The Journal of "Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice," Volume 6 Number 1 Jan 2008       & 

Published results include 65% decrease in acts of aggression, 55% decrease in out of school suspensions, & 42% increase in acts of empathy among students who received the Healing Species curriculum & no other in intervention.

"Pearson, W. (2011). The Healing Species: Animal-Assisted Character Education for Improving Student behavior. Journal of Youth Development

Healing Species was 1 of only 3 instrumental partners presenting in Atlanta, GA, winning the competition naming Orangeburg County an "All America County."

Winner: Cheri Thompson Best of Philanthropy Award from Central Carolina Community Foundation in 2011

South Carolina Department of Education approved program as "Propitious New Model Program" for at-risk students.

Cheri Thompson was featured in Traditonal Home magazine, 2007, Winner: "Classic Woman Award" for women who give back to their communities.

Named: "Best of the Best" by South Carolina Department of Education, & a "Propitious Model Program," 2006.


Healing Species: featured in USA TODAY for successfully combatting bullying. 6D Thursday September 29, 2011 USA TODAY

State of South Carolina County of Orangeburg Resolution Honoring Cheri Brown Thompson; December 2023.

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